Meals on Wheels North Central Texas has partnered with TRIO Community Meals to provide a variety of highly nutritious meals, serving the unique nutritional needs of seniors adults.
TRIO Community Meals is the Country's largest senior nutrition meal program, with over 50 years experience serving the growing population of food-insecure and isolated seniors in your communities. We are ready and able to provide cultural, fresh, frozen, hot, and medically-tailored meals for the seniors in you community. Across the United States, TRIO focuses on meals and fulfillment, allowing their partners to focus on the core aspects of their mission, producing over 125 million meals annually.
TRIO's extraordinary team prioritizes using fresh ingredients, local purchasing, and sustainability initiatives for great-tasting meals that appeal to older adults. Together with you, we can positively impact the lives of millions of older Americans with nutritious meals and increased engagement that reduces isolation and improves overall well-being.
As your senior nutrition meal partner, TRIO's extraordinary team of professionals will strive to deliver an innovative culinary experience uniquely tailored for our local community.
Take a look at this month's menu by clicking on one of the following selections:
Choice A/B Menu
Vegetarian Menu
Senior Nutrition Education Monthly Flyer