- 60 years old or older
- Reside within Johnson, Ellis, or Navarro counties
- Primarily homebound or have little or no help
- Have physical or mental impairments, which make meal preparation difficult
Income is not a criteria for service. All people who receive Meals on Wheels are asked to make a voluntary contribution to share in the costs of the meals. No one is ever refused service because of inability to contribute.
Short-term service is also available for up to six weeks for those who are recuperating from serious illness or other situations. In some cases, service is provided for a spouse or other caregiver who is at risk of becoming overwhelmed by the responsibilities involved in the caring of an individual.
Our goal is to make sure that each client is getting nourishment they need. If you know of someone that could benefit from home-delivered meals, it is easy and convenient to make a referral by clicking HERE.