Host/Responsible Party
Are you a Meals on Wheels employee?
Is this reservation for internal use?
  • 48 people max
  • $40/hour
  • $150 security deposit
45 people max
  • 10 people max
  • $25/hour
  • $50 security deposit
10 people max
Will you need audio & video?
Will there be refreshments?
All food and beverages must be approved by MOWNCT Admin prior to  event date.
How did you hear about this room?
MOWNCT Reservation Agreement & Terms of Use

Applications must be submitted at least 24 hours prior to use of a room. Applicants may request that rental fees be waived for gatherings benefitting the community. Meals on Wheels North Central Texas reserves the right to approve or deny any of these requests. 

Room Capacity:

  • Multi-Purpose Room: 48 people seated
  • Conference Room: 10 people seated
Required Cleaning:
  • Remove all trash and carry it to the dumpster
  • Inspect both bathrooms and remove all trash
  • Clean and disinfect all tables and used surfaces
  • Push in all chairs 
  • Check the floor and vacuum if needed
  • Check all doors and glass walls for smudges, clean if needed
  • Return all borrowed equipment to your MOWNCT host
Any damage or uncleaned messes will result in deductions from security deposits. 

Groups may NOT attach or otherwise secure, temporarily or permanently, any decorations, banners, streamers, balloons, tape, adhesives, or any other material, to the walls, windows, ceilings, floors, tables, chairs, or any other property of Meals on Wheels North Central Texas. 

The possession or consumption of any alcoholic beverages is STRICTLY PROHIBITED on the property. Any violation of this policy will result in immediate ejection, and the group will be banned from future use of the facility.

We do not allow any smoking or tobacco use of any kind in any area of our building.

Meals on Wheels North Central Texas and its employees will not be held liable or responsible for any and all claims, liabilities, demands, judgments, causes of action or damages, personal injury, death or damage to property, including reasonable attorney fees, arising from or by virtue of the use of such facilities by the group named in this reservation agreement.

Meals on Wheels North Central Texas reserves the right to deny or revoke reservation privileges for any reason, at any time.